Self-portrait in video by Alberto Grifi. It was assembled in 2004 by Alberto Grifi himself and comprises extracts from the Autointervista sugli effetti speciali -1976; About the special effects - 2012; Filming Man Ray - 1970-1990; Il grande freddo - 1971; Le macchine di Grifi - 1995. Length: 5'
Ma chi è questo Grifi by Cristina Mazza and Giordana Meyer
An interminable interview by Alberto Grifi (1938 - 2007), a very active filmmaker in experimenting languages, a genius in inventing films during the years between the sixties and eighties, despite the considerable amount of censure by the state TV and the commercial cinematographic circuit, has despite all, influenced many generations of filmmakers and cinephiles. In the documentary he tells the story of his life and first experiences which occur along the contemporary history of Italy and the major occurrences of our society: his youth during Fascist times, the good luck of belonging to a family cinema artisans from which he inherited a passion and creativity, discovering the importance of autonomous cinematographic work far from the cinema industry, the seventies with their youth protests together with the extreme experimenting of new languages, political militancy, the ongoing struggle, extraordinary but necessary to maintain its own territory of freedom. This documentary was created from sequences taken from Aberto Grifi's films: "L'occhio è per così dire l'evoluzione biologica di una lacrima" (1965/67) "Autoritratto Auschwitz" (1967) "Il grande freddo" (1971) "Presentazione di Transfert per kamera" (1975) "Transfert per kamera" (1967) "La verifica incerta" (1965) directed together with Gianfranco Baruchello "Anna" (1973) directed together with Massimo Sarchielli "Il manicomio" (1977/1983) "Il festiaval del proletariato giovanile al Parco Lambro" (1976) "Michele alla ricerca della felicità" (1978) "Leoncavallo... i giorni dello sgombero" (1994) directed together with Paola Pannicelli and Collettivo Video Leoncavallo apart from images taken from the 'Archivio del collettivo Video CS Leoncavallo "Le macchine di Grifi" by Alessandro Barbadoro. LENGTH: 27' YEAR: 1998 AUTHOR: Cristina Mazza FILMING: Cristina Mazza, Emiliano Battista ASSEMBLY: Giordana Meyer PROD. and DISTRIB: Cristina Mazza
Da Alberto Grifi a Blob by Maraboshi
This document intends to give an idea, which in different ways has had and continues to have an important role in the world of communications, of what filming experimentation during the sixties and seventies represented in Italy. Alberto Grifi and his eventful life, full of the desire to understand and experiment, seems to me the main pathway for attempting to put together and correlate various ways of understanding the world of film communication in its more evident aspects to make them less evident and more interesting mainly from the point of view of its close relationship with the political action derived from it. Apart from this, the close relationship with 'Blob' that originates as well from the ongoing quotations from "Verifica Incerta" as the primogenial, original element of the already famous destruction/re-creation, gave origin to the most interesting television program of the last decades, both because of its political impact and the astonishment and division that it created in the social classes at various levels. (During the documentary Sanguinetti speaks about structuralism as well as the importance that Brecht considered fundamental, to divide and not unite the judgments regarding his works). Maraboshi "Da Alberto Grifi a Blob" Italia - 2004 - 42'
Autobiografia di una casa by Alice Guareschi
It felt like following along the lines of a strange kind of geometry that the meeting took place with the cineaste Alberto Grifi and during his tale with Giordano Falzoni, painter and post surrealist as well as the protagonist and accomplice through several of his films, that the authoress discovered that for a long time he had been living next-door to him without realizing who he was. The video Autobiografia di una casa di Alice Guareschi started off after reading a daily newspaper that published a page dedicated to Giordano Falzoni, surrealist artist (apart from being an all round actor and intellectual) on the occasion of his death. Without have known him when he was alive, Alice discovered that this person and his ambient were living on the same floor. It was from this curious co-incidence that initiated the search for traces of Giordano Falzoni, with the complicity of another free observer from the Italian Cinema such as Alberto Grifi, to whom he had actually dedicated one of his films (Il Grande Freddo). Far from any wish of a philological reconstruction, this work describes relationships and chain reactions. This pathway originates from an unknown land, yet very close, that progressively enters and forms part of our imaginary. (Emanuela De Cecco). Video 50' colour Date: 2002
Conversazioni con Grifi su Anna by Stefania Rossi
It was filmed in 1972 and directed together with Massimo Sarchielli, using the first quarter inch open reel portable camcorder coming from Italy. The billboard at the Rome Filmstudio lasted for some months … Conversations with Grifi on Anna was filmed during 2005 by Stefania Rossi with the technical contribution of Lorenzo Micheli Gigotti.