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The Cultural Association

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Martedì 02 Maggio 2017

SPECIAL EVENT "VIVA GRIFI" from Tuesday 2nd to Thursday 4th of May


in collaboration with the

The Associazione Culturale Alberto Grifi

ten years after the film director has passed away

is presenting a

SPECIAL EVENT - VIVA GRIFI from Tuesday 2nd to Thursday 4th of May

c/o Itis Galilei side entrance of via Bixio, 80/a (corner of via Conte Verde) - Roma

A review lasting three days dedicated to the most representative underground cinema film maker as well as an Italian activist

Tuesday May 2nd
7 p.m. Roberto Silvestri presents
IN VIAGGIO VERSO ALBERTO GRIFI (17', 2013) by canecapovolto
9 p.m. Donatello Fumarola presents
IL GRANDE FREDDO (20', 1971)
LIA (26', 1977)
ALBERTO GRIFI (29', 2006) by Insu^tv

Wednesday May 3rd
7 p.m. Adriano Aprà and Stefania Rossi present
ANNA (225', 1975)

Thursday May 4th
7 p.m. Annamaria Licciardello presents
MA CHI È QUESTO GRIFI (28', 1998) by Cristina Mazza and Giordana Meyer
9 p.m. Alessandra Vanzi and Roberto Perpignani presents
A PROPOSITO DEGLI EFFETTI SPECIALI (66', 2001, unpublished version)

Verifica incerta (1964, 30')

A motion picture massacre of famous hollywood films re-assembled with a touch of Dada: presented for the first time in in Paris, it aroused the enthusiasm of Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray, Max Ernst as well as the scorn paraded by many famous Italian motion picture critics. John Cage, enthusiastic about the sound track, presented it at the New York Museum of Modern Art.

L'occhio è per così dire l'evoluzione biologica di una lagrima / Autoritratto Auschwitz (1965/68-2007, 35')

A voice-over reads a statement where a report was made describing the abuse suffered by a youth being transferred from the San Vittore prison in Milan to the Marmone prison in Sardinia.

The shots,among which some parts discarded from Il deserto rosso where Monica Vitti attempts to shed tears, were found in the containers of some moviola and assembled on a film taken on the site of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp.

In viaggio verso Alberto Grifi (2013, 17') by canecapovolto

Alberto Grifi interviewed by Canecapovolto with Roberto Silvestri.

Il grande freddo (1971, 20')

A film on painting and its negation. Giordano busy with the Bella Addormentata. A challenge. Will art, free of museums and academies succeed in giving back the will to live to the girl raped and abandoned on the snow? Giordano, Principe Azzurro loaded with a butterfly catchers and rotating optical games, crawls along sinking into the snow and …… but revolutionary creativity isn't what makes birds sing in their cages but it is the reason why caged birds break their cages!

Lia (1977, 26')

The intervention of a female student at a "controconvegno" at the Fabbrica della Comunicazione di Brera, against anti-psychiatric convention by A. Vermiglione.

Alberto Grifi (2006, 29') by Insu^tv

"What did the revolution promise?" It was to change life. It is useless to attempt this….. life is ugly. It is necessary to fight to change it and film it while it is being changed, film it while life becomes more beautiful, socially more active and meaningful.

Goodbye Alberto - your words are still alive.

Anna (1972-75')

11 hours of filming, then cut down to 3 hours 45 minutes where a sixteen-year-old hippy, pregnant and drugged was wandering around Piazza Navona. The video, transferred onto film via an equipment built by Grifi himself, was then presented at the Berlin Festival and the Biennale in Venice in 1975 and later in Cannes in 1976.

Michele alla ricerca della felicità (1978, 23')

A film first commissioned then censored by Raidue, where Michele, a political prisoner was forced to witness the violence and torment of the prison guards on a drug addict.

Dinni e la normalina (1978, 27')

A fanta political tale where the state compels certain citizens into model workers through the means of a drug - the normalina - but the results were unexpected.

Ma chi è questo Grifi (1998, 28') di Cristina Mazza e Giordana Meyer

An interminable interview of Alberto Grifi where he described his origins and his first experiences that populated Italy's contemporary history and the most important events of our society.His childhood during fascism, the fortune have having belonged to a family involved in the moving picture industry from which he inherited the passion, creativity, discovery of the importance of independent moving picture work and far from the cinema industry. The 70's marked by juvenile objections side by side with the extreme experimentation of new style of language, political militancy, an ongoing, extraordinary but necessary battle to preserve his own territory of freedom.

A proposito degli effetti speciali (2001, 66', unpublished version)

A film about the patrimony donated by the underground cinema ranging from the historical avant gardes with Alessandra Vanzi (La Gaia Scienza) in the role of Miss Ontophilogenesis, Grifi e Man Ray (filmed in his studio in Paris with Gianfranco Baruchello) reflections in a distorted mirror.

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Franco Montini on - Apollo 11, l'unica sala dei documentari a Roma, 31 marzo 2016

Silvana Silvestri on Alias (Il Manifesto) - Apollo 11, un laboratorio dalla parte di chi racconta il vero, 2 aprile 2016